Are you tired of dealing with chronic pain and discomfort? Neuromuscular massage is a therapy that can help you achieve lasting relief. By correcting structural imbalances, releasing tension in soft tissue, and integrating the physical and energy systems, this type of massage can interrupt pain signals and promote healing. Experience the transformative power of neuromuscular massage and regain your ability to move freely and live pain-free.
Pain – A Good Thing?
Your body is always speaking to you. Sometimes it tells you my back hurts, my hip is stiff, or I can’t turn my head.
After working a demanding job for over ten or twenty years, you can develop a hip or back problem. A fall, car accident, or even sleeping in a particular position over time can cause the body to deviate from its proper position. The more demands placed on the “righting reflex,” the more your body will let you know that something needs attention…usually by the amount of pain you experience.
Symptoms can occur in many as your body attempts to try and “right itself.”It attempts to redistribute your weight by moving bones, shifting the neck position, or rotating the pelvis in one direction or another. Muscles can shorten in one area and overstretch in another.
Your nervous system becomes overstimulated trying to create balance; however, proper bodywork will calm down and release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
As your body is centered, painful areas begin to heal
Evaluate Your Posture
As your body is centered, painful areas begin to heal.
Evaluate Your Posture picture a line straight through the middle of your body from top to bottom. When your body is not aligned, parts of your body are in front of or behind that line.
Looking at specific boney landmarks, I can see where the body is about the centerline and then release and change the muscle and fascia (connective tissue) to create a structural balance and integration.
This integration involves the physical body and the energy balance that goes along with it.
When you align the physical, your body can better transmit signals through the nervous system.
This energy system increases blood flow, impacts how the muscles respond through better communication from the brain, and how well the organs function to do their part in keeping you healthy.
The body and mind synchronize. The benefits immediately present themselves. Less pain, more efficient movement, better circulation, and a sense of well-being.
Your body is healing itself!
The number of treatments needed varies from person to person and depends on the severity of the original injury. For example, you may need as few as three appointments, while more severe and prolonged injuries may require many more.
Your participation in this process has a meaningful impact on determining how long your treatment will take.
I can point the body in the right direction by working on the soft tissue while you are responsible for helping keep the process going by educating your brain and body to “repattern”… stay centered.
We work in partnership, and once you are “repatterned,” you only need monthly follow-up appointments to maintain good health.
Working together is what makes the difference.
Reset Button
When you’re injured or hurt, the body protects the painful area. This is the body’s natural response.
Over time your body tends to”hold” onto the protection response. As a result, the damage to the area heals, but the body continues to send messages to the injured area.
This signal needs to be interrupted to allow the body to move on.
The pain response may frequently come from a different area than the original injury site. This relationship between the two areas must be changed to alleviate the pain.
It’s like finding and pushing the reset button!
My Approach
To Healing
With over 15 years of experience, I have mastered many different types of massage and bodywork and view them all as very beneficial if you focus on a particular: goal.
By combining these procedures, I can correct and treat multiple issues. I strive to achieve & a balance between the central nervous and muscular, and skeletal systems.
It might be to relax and relieve tension, loosen injured muscles, release facia covering, or gently move the cranial bones or balance the body’s energy flow.
Pressure sensitivity can vary significantly from one location of the body to another. Therefore, in some areas, multiple forms of massage and bodywork may be used as I work in layers to release the soft tissue in that particular area.
Loosening a tight shoulder could eliminate a headache because it originated there. Fixing a neck problem could help get rid of pain in the jaw and even make your vision a little clearer. Addressing tight leg muscles may help eliminate that nagging low back pain. The list goes on.
I have found that this approach has great results and far more benefits than you may realize.
It can change your life!
Relieving chronic pain and discomfort by correcting structural imbalances and releasing tension in soft tissue and fascia
Interrupting pain signals and promoting healing by integrating the physical and energy systems
Improving posture by evaluating and addressing misalignments
Enhancing circulation and blood flow to the affected areas
Increasing range of motion and flexibility by releasing tight muscles
Promoting overall well-being by reducing stress and anxiety
Reducing the need for pain medication or invasive procedures
Improving communication between the brain and muscles for more efficient movement
Helping to prevent future injuries by maintaining structural balance and alignment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is neuromuscular massage?
Neuromuscular massage is a therapeutic approach that aims to relieve chronic pain and correct structural imbalances by working on soft tissue, fascia, and the nervous system.
What are the benefits of neuromuscular massage?
Benefits of neuromuscular massage include relieving chronic pain and discomfort, improving posture, enhancing circulation, increasing range of motion, promoting overall well-being, reducing the need for pain medication or invasive procedures, and helping to prevent future injuries.
How does neuromuscular massage work?
Neuromuscular massage works by correcting structural imbalances, releasing tension in soft tissue and fascia, and integrating the physical and energy systems to interrupt pain signals and promote healing.
How many treatments are typically needed for neuromuscular massage?
The number of treatments needed varies depending on the severity of the injury or pain. Some individuals may need as little as three appointments, while more serious or prolonged issues may require many more.
What can I expect during a neuromuscular massage session?
During a neuromuscular massage session, the therapist may evaluate your posture, use boney landmarks to determine misalignments, and work in layers to release soft tissue in specific areas. The therapist may use a combination of different types of massage and bodywork to address your specific needs and goals.
Is neuromuscular massage painful?
Neuromuscular massage may involve pressure on tender areas or trigger points, which may be uncomfortable. However, the therapist will work within your pain tolerance and communicate with you to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the session.